WordPress Monthly Maintenance Package

Why would you want this?

1. I will update WordPress, all plugins, and your theme. Once in a great while updating something will break something. If a something breaks I will fix it.

2. I will maintain backups of your file system and database. If your site crashes or gets infected/compromised I will be able to restore it to the last saved configuration.

3. With the maintenance package you get one hour of my time each month to work on your site for you.

The details of how it works:

At least twice a month I will log into your site and check things out to make sure they are looking right. I will upgrade WordPress, plugins and themes, optimize the database, and maintain a backup of your file system and database in my possession.

Depending on what plugins you have already I may or may not need to install plugins to perform backups, optimize the database and provide security analysis & protection.

Cost for this service is $80 per month or $800 per year for each WordPress installation.

What is included:

1. Fixing any minor problems with your site.

2. Backing up the file system.

3. Backing up the database.

4. Optimizing the database.

5. Upgrading WordPress, plugins and themes. I will perform backups before upgrades and if the upgrade breaks any thing restore the site to its condition before the upgrade. For critical upgrades such as the WordPress core and essential plugins I will usually upgrade my websites first, wait a few days to make sure nothing blows up, then update client websites.

6. One hour each month of time for doing things such as tweaks to your site, researching and installing plugins, theme configuration, pretty much anything that might need doing on your site. If you need a short tutorial video on some aspect of WordPress I can do that as well.

Important: These hours are “use them or lose them”. Unused hours do not carry forward nor have any refundable value. Any additional hours worked in a given month beyond the free hour are billed out at $65/hour. If work that is not critical needs to be done I will save it for next month and use your free hour from that month.

7. Installing plugins to enhance the security of your site and reduce referral spam if you do not already have plugins to perform those functions.

8. Restoring your website if it breaks during a software update.

What is not included:

1. Restoring your site from backups if you broke it. This would be billed at standard rates.

2. One-on-one tutoring is not included in the maintenance package “1 hour of time”.

3. Anything not specifically detailed in the “what is included” section.

Interested in finding out more? Contact me and I’ll be happy to talk with you.

Review my contract for the WordPress Art & Science Maintenance Package.